What do you think about Brazil?
2006-10-01 03:31:06 UTC
Hello!I'm sorry by I'don't know to speak in Italian, only in English. I'm brazilian and like very much to change knowledges and to know diferent cultures like your's.I wonder very much one day to vist Italy:Vaticano,Pisa Tower,Venice with its' rivers and gondolas,Michelangelo's paintings,Leonardo da Vinci's works like Monalisa,the movie :"la vita e bella",lot of history and culture.
Undici risposte:
2006-10-01 03:34:57 UTC
I'm italian, the brazilian are a very beautifoul girls, and what do you think about italian boys?, i'm sorry for the miscates
2006-10-02 03:03:16 UTC
Ola galeraaaaaaaaaaa! Falas em Portugues que vamos a entender muito melhor nao e'? Onde moras? Eu vou au Brasil em Dizembro e Janeiro!

oaiC oaiC

pietro p
2006-10-02 01:21:44 UTC
hi and sorry for my english!

i've been this august in brasil and i can say it's a nice place.

I have seen the dunes and have done a turn on baggey .

towns I have visited are: fortaleza,natal, gericocoara.

i think that the landscape is magnificent, wonderful girls but people very dangerous.
2006-10-01 17:46:14 UTC
simone oliviera is one of my favorite singer, about brazil i dont know... never i visit, but i think is a wondrful country
2006-10-01 05:38:28 UTC
ma xkè questa nn mex kn i brasiliani?????????
2006-10-01 04:46:43 UTC
Hello, Joana ;

Sorry I'm not Italian, but Greek; anyway I have lived for a long time in Italy and this Country is really beautiful and its people very warm and energetic ones! Being Greek I can tell you this : Brazil , at first, is very-very far away from Europe, and we watch only a few films of your country, but we are fascinated from your dances and rhythms

!!! There is also a big leggend about the beauty of the feminin population in Brazil and the beautiful sites of your big country!

In Greece, we know Brazil, of course, by the excellence of your food-ball players!

We do have some of them, mainly Rivaldo, Giovanni, Paulo Cesar, etc.

I have left for last, the impression your Rio Carnaval exerts on us; there are quite few

Brazileiros in Athens, who do a nice show-off during February.

I'm sorry I have been interfeering with, since you were addressing Italians, but...I thought would be good for you to know your Country is been known everywhere!


2006-10-01 03:51:25 UTC
hello! I'm an italian girl, and i want to see brazil. if you want talk with me, contact me. Bye
beatrice giugno
2006-10-01 03:48:36 UTC
Oi, Johana, como està!

I know an old song:

Quero cantar ser alegre

que a tristeza nào faz ben...

Do you know it?

2006-10-01 03:42:31 UTC
I never saw Brazil, but I think it's a great country, full of life, culture and a beautiful countryside: seaside, forests, rivers...u have everything and even more! I know some Brazilian people who speak about ur country as the Heaven on earth! see u soon in Italy!Kisses
2006-10-01 03:37:54 UTC
At first I think that answer will cut off your request because in yahoo Italy you must ask questions in italian.

However I find Brazil very interesting.I would like to visit Rio de Janeiro,San Paolo,Copacabana,Amazzonia.

I like football so One of my dreams is to enter one day in the huge and monumental MARACANA stadium!!!!

I even know that italian people use to go to Brazil for sexual turism and it's not so good.
2006-10-01 03:45:21 UTC
I don't like brazil because the people yes, is very funny but people don't work and there is much crime ,and moreover I prefer the people that it works to which not ago null all the day .

You have still much to learn on like you live yourselves!!!!

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